Friday, August 1, 2014

Most With Mirka

The blonde on your left who looks like she could be a member of the HythaFamBand 
is actually a native of the town of Most, which translates as "Bridge". 
Mirka is our contact here, and having been given some 
cryptic (self destructing) instructions, we finally found each other on Thursday morning
(and, yes, it did have a Mission Impossible feel to it).

So here's the crazy story of this town, as perfectly described to us by Mirka (who works for the tourist agency here).  There was a beautiful little historic village here that unfortunately had lots of coal underneath it. So in 1975 the Soviets (who took the country over in 1968) blew the whole friggin town up (we watched the movie film of the explosions), the coal was mined and today there is a huge lake where the original town used to be (the Hytha historic renovators did not like this). Although, Mirka said that the communists appeased the residents by providing shiny new apartment flats with central heat and modern amenities. So the new town is "modern" (as of 40 years ago) with thousands of living cubicles. 
You can see the apartment buildings in this view from the castle.

So they blew up everything but this 10,000 ton church (Gothic Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary), not for religious reasons, but because it was beautiful inside and historic. How to preserve the church? Move it. Yes, it took five years to sure it up for the move, then in one month (2 cm a minute) the church moved on a track to a new location. Here is what we saw...

This is a picture of a picture of the church on the move, 
the heaviest structure ever to be moved on wheels.

How did they keep all this in tact?

The Hytha's are giants here!

We ended the day with a bit of a mountain climb to the Hněvín Castle. 

1 comment:

  1. You guys look like you are having a blast, and some of these pics look like postcards!

    Hope you're having a great time in Europe. We are right behind you this coming week.

    Jill and I are missing our "roomies" but know we will see you Labor Day.

    BTW: Jill's big decision is to wait until February...
