Wednesday, August 6, 2014

A Tower, Scooters & Philly Steaks

So here we are at the International Youth Festival in Liberec (pronounced "Liberetz"), 
which we will call home until Saturday. It is being held at the Technical College of Liberec 
and this is the dorm we are staying in.

We will be playing a lot of music in this auditorium this week, so gig pictures would get kind of redundant. So I'll be posting more of our afternoon experiences, 
which is either free time or a planned activity.

Our first activity was to take a hike to a bus to a gondola to the top of a mountain.

The Ještěd Tower is at the top.

Greg's famous "I need to take a break from having so much fun" pose.

The rest of the family rented scooters to scooter down the mountain on trails. Really? 
Didn't sound so great to me so I walked. Then in the evening we showed some pics of our travels. It started out with one from home showing Alex. 
Shout out to son/bro Alex - we miss you!!

This mornings show (Wednesday) was fun. Got to jam with artists from Australia and New Zealand, Steve & Ainsley Apirana (

During our afternoon free time we wandered around the city and found some 
Philly Cheese steaks (not quite!).

...and a try at American fashion.

Playing at an after hours cafe tonight. I'll go take some pics...

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