Friday, August 8, 2014

Stars and Buns

After a rousing morning of music (can musicians actually play before noon??) we took a charter bus to Herrnhut Germany, which was particularly interesting to me (student of church history) because it is a little village where the Moravian tradition was founded.

We have made all kinds of new friends from all over Europe...

This is where they make the Moravian Star which started as a geometry project in the 1830's and is now the Moravian advent symbol as well as used on Germany Christmas trees.

Greg and I were married in a church/barn that has Moravian roots so all this is pretty interesting and nostalgic to me. We used to eat this love feast pictured below (tea and raisin buns) at Christmas Eve at The Church of the Loving Shepherd.

We took the night off and woke up in the morning to more unusual morning stuff...

Some jamming with Joe...

More craziness...

This afternoon (Friday) we split the family up. I went to a glass jewelry show, 
which is something they make here, and the rest of them went to a water park...
where they are happy to report, had very few rules...

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