After dinner in Postloprty we were picked up by Marketa Kittrelova who drove us to her village of Knovic. The routine here is that we just show up places, meet people we don't know (but who find us somehow) and see what adventures await. The Krittrelova family is unique here in that they have 5 kids and one more on the way. Czech families usually have 1 or 2 kids and both parents work. Marketa's family lived in one room for 5 years until they built a big addition, which is where we were so graciously accommodated. Hanging out with the fam below...
Driving around in their tractor/trailer and berry picking.
Spent the afternoon with in the nearby village of Slany with hostess Alžbeta Kubrová.
Please indulge me for a minute while I share about The Church of Holy Trinity and Monastery that we saw in Slany. Since I just finished a church history course this whole monastery thing fascinates me.
We met a Carmelite friar who told us that the monastery was built in the 16th century and later was decorated in the Baroque style.
There is this strange boxy structure built right in the middle of the chapel that some royal person wanted to have built there as a replica of the same thing that is in a church in Rome that allegedly houses the Nazarene home of Jesus Christ.
Okay, so we move on to the "Jazz Cafe Jany". Rob takes a few minutes to have a meeting with our Slany road managers (see meeting below).
Sound check starts...
Where's Carrie??? On the phone AGAIN with the přítel (Czech for boyfriend).
Awesome show...
This is the club owner, Jany from Slany.
He loves us and invites us back for a big festival!
Back at home...Marketa's mom had never seen a ukulele so Carrie gave her a private concert.
Sunday morning Greg & I sing at the Metodisticka Cirkev (Methodist Church), pictured here with Jana Daneckova, the pastor. Most people here are post-communist atheists so her congregation of 12 people is kind of big (?).
You're welcome, rest of the HythaFamBand, for letting you sleep in.
Goodbye Slany...
you all appear to be having the most unique tour of europe I have ever heard of! what cool, non traditional experiences...and loving the photos! what do european berries taste like? (always thinking about food and growing things!) can't wait to read the next updates:)