Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Man in the Blue Van - Who Is He?

The adventure continues as Christoph drives us a couple of hours further east in Germany to a McDonalds where we meet a very kind Czech man and his little son in a big blue van. 
The man speaks not word of English, but we quick grab some burgers, load our stuff into the blue van and head to the Czech Republic. Greg shares his fries with the man in the blue van and after a few hours he pulls up to an apartment building in the Czech town of Most (to which we have a key), unloads our stuff and drives away! An hour later we hear a voice from 4 floors down. It's Andrea Miklisova. She is a former intern with Atlantic Bridge and was a fabulous hostess from Most(est) and vital interpreter for the evening. Thanks Andy! 

Danke Schoen & Auf Wiedersehen to Deutschland!

Danke Schoen to Christoph, Tabs and Tara Buskies for your incredible hospitality!!
We are now friends forever and hope that you visit the USA soon 
(or we'll come back to Deutschland!).

Concert in Greifenstein

We had a really great time having dinner with the locals at a 
youth center in Greifenstein followed by a concert. 
This is Carrie singing her original song about a 4th of July in America.
The flag was custom made by this group to show American/Germany friendship.
And now we have lots of friends in Germany!

Micro Concert in Greifenstein

Corolla (the Frau with the flowers) could not make the night concert because she was having a birthday party. So we delivered a singing "Happy Birthday" telegram in English...

The House in the Mine

Christoph, our host with the most from Greifenstein, Germany, says to us in his really good English: "You vill be staying at a place dat is a bit different. It is a haus in a mine." 
So here we go, through a locked gate and into the mine...

 Looking a bit scary...

Getting better...

Wunderbar! Prima! This place is awesome!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Don't they have bigger rolls here???

More Adventures in Bonn

Spent the afternoon in Bonn. 
This is what American's do when they find the holy grail (WIFI) at a local Starbucks...

Plus fraternizing with the locals...

And being sorely disappointed with Steve Madden...

And seeing old friends, Ingo and Anja.

Who Would Want to Eat This?

Except look what else HARIBO makes....????? 
They call them "Ass with Ears" (or Butt Candy).
I really can't explain this...

We love Gummibärchen (Gummy Bears)

Our next stop was a huge HARIBO store. HARIBO (named after the founder HAns RIegel from BOnn) is a confectionery company based in Bonn Germany that started in the 1920's and is mostly known by American's for Gummy Bears (cause we all love those cute little sugar bears!).

Indoor American Trailer Park in Bonn (??)

After putting us up in a fabulous hotel in Bonn with an even more fabulous breakfast buffet, Christoph (5 Star ***** tour manager!!) took us sight seeing on our day off. We randomly came across this youth hostel that is a huge warehouse filled with American trailers with themed decorations as well as a few train cars with sleeping cabins. I had to share this with you because it is so funky, weird and one-of-a-kind.

Hit the Streets in Germany...

On Sunday afternoon we met Christoph Buskies, PROMIKON (Profile Productions, Greifenstein Germany), who transported us first to Cologne to drop by the famous cathedral. Carrie, Rob and Chris performed right outside, as 50 or 60 people crowded around and threw Euros. It was pretty amazing. They were  interrupted periodically by the clanging of the medieval bells, but oh well. Videos to come...

 That girl can attract a crowd!


Gig in Belgium (had some waffles here too)

Finally got access to the world wide web! As our journey continues..within 24 hours of our arrival, appearance #2 at the Antwerp International Protestant Church in Belgium (where there are attenders representing 38 nationalities at last count). A special shout out to our gracious hosts - Steve and Barb Swanson and Helena & family. Thanks for the espresso making lessons and reminder to nuture a heart of thankfulness. And Walter (Wouter?), our driver and candy connection - you're the best!!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Off And Running...

We arrived in Brussels, Belgium, at about 2 pm Saturday and had our first appearance in Kruiningen, Holland, at 7 pm! Jet lagging pretty badly, but managed to pull it off. Here we are in a church that has a steeple tower dating back to the 14th century. An even more astounding date is that Greg and I spent about a year with Kruiningen as our home base while touring Europe in the 1980's (not quite the 14th century but a really log time ago!). 
I have posted a picture of that semi-embarrassing, big hair, mullet hair, hip animal print, time period - it is of the band that we traveled around Europe with in 1987. 
Ok, you can laugh now, if you are not already snickering.

On Our Way!

We made it!!
(Sort of glad that Chris isn't flying this plane....
don't think he's quite ready to land a jumbo jet!)_

What's wrong with this picture?

Our first meal at a quaint outdoor cafe in Europe...wait...what's wrong with this picture? 
Isn't Alex staying home to work at his awesome engineering internship? 
Psych! This photo was actually taken at a southern barbecue restaurant near Drexel U. 
We picked Chris up from his architecture camp at Drexel and went right to the airport! 
Alex kindly dropped us off and drove home to an unusually tranquil house (Alex, you know you're gonna love the peace and quiet!!) So, heads up, for the "quaint outdoor cafe in Europe" experience sans the plane fare (if you live in Philly that is), go to:
Baby Blues Barbecue at 3402 Sansom St... (totally delicious!!)
Front with outside seating

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The HythaFamBand Europe Tour 2014!!

On Friday, July 25th, 2014, the HythaFamBand will embark upon our Summer 2014 Europe Tour! If you want to follow our travels, here's where you will find our photos, updates and probably some ridiculous stories...